
40-Minute Workout  For optimal well-being and quality of life, it’s essential that you take personal fitness seriously. As we know this is rarely easy with our busy lives. However, gaining muscular strength and endurance, maintaining a healthy weight and adopting good habits that involve lots of physical movement are key components that will make you feel and look your best at every stage of life. According to the  American Heart Association , being physically active helps prevent heart disease, improves circulation, and potentially can prevent stroke. They suggest 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes each week of vigorous exercise. There are creative ways to get the time in, even dividing your workouts into smaller daily segments. To increase your potential of achieving your fitness objectives, find a fitness buddy so you can be held accountable to show up and workout. This blog will address a solid 40-minute aerobic workout that can reap excelle

Maximize Your Workout Results

To reach your fitness goals, start with small measurable goals for each workout. Think of each routine as a step up the ladder toward your ultimate objective. After all, you have limited time, so you want to use both the clock and your energy wisely. Take a big picture look, recognizing that all aspects---from warm up to cool down, from eating habits to sleep to hygiene---are interconnected and play an important role in helping you reach your goals efficiently and effectively. In this blog we will focus on the warm up portion of your workout, since research shows that adequately warming up not only prevents injury but also enhances your performance. Plan for a 5-10 minute dynamic warm up each time you work out, and it will soon become a good habit that will optimize results and help you reach your goals faster. Warming up gets your blood flowing, opens up the small blood vessels, and raises up your body's temperature. It gets your joints moving one at a time, taking y

Motivation to Move More

Whatever your personal reasons may be for ramping up your exercise game—from wanting to look hot for your upcoming summer beach trip to simply lowering your risk for disease—the benefits of exercise for your physical health and mental well-being can’t be overstated. In this blog, we’ll just touch upon a couple of broad points to get you moving more and feeling more inspired that the time, energy and effort that you put toward working out is well worth it both for the short-term and for your long-term health. You’re already aware that regular exercise conditions your lungs, improves your immune system, stimulates the nervous system, heart, and blood vessels, enabling them to deliver oxygen to muscle cells more rapidly and efficiently. That’s because each time you exercise your body goes through physical, mental, metabolic, and hormonal processes that affect your organs and entire body. In short, your body adapts to the demands and becomes more efficient.    Exercise also affect
Connecting the Dots Between Physical & Interpersonal Warmth What does it mean to perceive a person as warm versus cold? Think for a moment about your use of these terms in your own daily language and communication with others. According to research in social cognition, interpersonal warmth refers to traits that are related to perceived favorability of the other person’s intentions toward us. These often include friendliness, trustworthiness, and helpfulness. In making social judgments, warmth is a powerful personality trait. Warm and cold as personality traits are often used in our first impressions of people, revealing our interpersonal liking of others and reflecting the concept of social perception. In making an initial impression of someone, we will often make statements such as “He seemed rather cold and distant” or conversely “He seemed friendly and warm.” Such assertions reflect the negative (cold) and positive (warm) connotations we often associate with these two words.

Thinking about Becoming a School Counselor

The role of a school counselor is multi-dimensional and requires a strong commitment to social justice. Counselors are primarily advocates for students, carrying out the professional orientation and ethical practice by projecting an image of self-confidence and possessing integrity as well as a strong emphasis on providing all students with access to academic and financial resources, even clothing and food if needed. Advocacy is an integral part of giving students a voice and identifying those who may be underserved and thus eligible for academic, social, and emotional accommodations. Maintaining confidentiality of students’ files, identities, testing and other assessments is essential to their overall success in the public school system. school supplies Collaborating with teachers and administration, effectively communicating with parents, and practicing professionalism provides the students with a level playing field to become successful in their pursuit of college/career. It
Systemic Wellness